Boost Your Sales with our
'Buy-Now Widget'

Help customers locate and order your products with direct links to trusted retailers, prices and stock availability.

Optimize conversions by quickly guiding to the best buying options. Easy to embed on product pages.

CeraVe Moisturising Lotion, 236 ml
Brand product page

CeraVe Moisturising Lotion, 236 ml


Widget Features

Real-time Prices & Stock

Ensure your customers see the latest prices, stock status, and promotions from multiple vendors.

Convenient Choices

An expandable list allows users to see more vendors, giving your customers more purchase options.


The widget works on desktop, mobile, and tablet versions of your website.

The Aposmart Buy-Now Widget is perfect for embedding on brand product pages to increase sales conversions and enhance your customer journey.

Additional Features

  • Option to hide/show stock status, discounts, shipping cost.
  • Customizable layout and color options for complete control.
  • Display only preferred vendors, or all a limited number.
  • Display product ingredients and review data. (Coming Soon)
  • Sort listings by price, distance, or other metrics. (Coming Soon)
  • Map showing local store availability. (Coming Soon)

How to Install

Follow these steps to easily add the Aposmart 'Buy-Now Widget' to your product pages:

Add this code to your product page:

<div id="aposmart"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script> aposmartwidget({ productid: 'your-product-id' }); </script>

Example with Custom Options:

<div id="aposmart"></div>
<script src=""></script>
  aposmartwidget({ productid: 'your-product-id', lang: 'sv', 
    hide: { price: true, availability: false }, vendorsToShow: 5, 
    colors: { background: '#f5f6fa', vendorBg: '#ffffff' } });

Replace "your-product-id" with the correct product identifier:

  • EAN Code: Use the product’s 13- or 14-digit EAN. Example:
  • <script>aposmartwidget({ productid: '3337875597210' });</script>
  • URL Slug: Use the product’s URL slug from Aposmart. Example from URL (
  • <script>aposmartwidget({ productid: 'cerave-moisturising-lotion' });</script>

You can customize the widget using the following arguments. Only productid is required; all other settings are optional:

  • productid (Required): The unique identifier of the product (EAN or product name slug).
  • Language: Default is English (lang: 'en').
    Supported: 'sv' 🇸🇪, 'de' 🇩🇪, 'da' 🇩🇰, 'no' 🇳🇴, 'fi' 🇫🇮, 'nl' 🇳🇱, 'es' 🇪🇸, 'fr' 🇫🇷, 'it' 🇮🇹, 'pl' 🇵🇱,
    'hu' 🇭🇺, 'sk' 🇸🇰, 'cs' 🇨🇿, 'el' 🇬🇷, 'hr' 🇭🇷, 'pt' 🇵🇹, 'zh' 🇨🇳, 'ja' 🇯🇵, 'ko' 🇰🇷, 'tr' 🇹🇷...
  • Hide Options: By default, price, availability, and promo options are visible (hide: { price: false, availability: false, promo: false }).
  • Vendors to Show: Default is 3 (vendorsToShow: 3), adjustable to display more vendors.
  • Font: Default is DM Sans. Use font: 'none' for no font, or provide a custom font and link:
    font: 'YourFontName', fontLink: ';700&display=swap'
  • Colors: Customize the widget’s appearance:
    • text: '#202225' (Sets the color of all text inside the widget.)
    • background: '#f5f6fa' (The overall background color of the widget.)
    • vendorBg: '#ffffff' (The background color of each vendor section.)

Frequently Asked Questions

Question not listed? Email: help (at)

Yes, contact us if you need API access to use our data for your custom solution.

Yes, custom features can be developed based on your needs. Contact us to discuss your requirements.

We send CSV or PDF reports by email, with stats on clicks and conversions for your products. You can also sign up below to receive email updates on the widget itself.

Prices and stock information are updated on continual basis every day.

- Real-time updates: Customers see up-to-date prices and stock across multiple vendors.
- Increased purchase confidence: They can compare vendors instantly, making decisions faster.
- Direct links to trusted retailers: Easily guide customers to trusted sources for purchasing.

Refer to the installation section above for detailed steps. If you need help, contact us and we’ll assist you in installing it on your site.

Yes, the Aposmart Widget is customizable. You can adjust the language, vendor display, colors, and fonts. Control what elements are shown, like prices and stock status. See the installation guide for details.

Yes, the Aposmart Widget is fully responsive and works seamlessly on desktop, mobile, and tablet devices.

Example: Using the Widget as a popup:
<button id="buyNowBtn" style="background:#055f72;color:white;padding:10px 20px;border:none;border-radius:5px;cursor:pointer;">Buy Now</button>
<div id="overlay" style="display:none;position:fixed;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;background:rgba(0,0,0,0.5);z-index:999;"></div>
<div id="widgetPopup" style="display:none;position:fixed;top:100px;left:50%;transform:translateX(-50%);background:white;padding:20px;border:1px solid #ccc;min-width:300px;max-width:588px;max-height:90vh;overflow-y:auto;z-index:1000;">
  <button id="closePopup" style="background:#055f72;color:white;padding:10px;border:none;cursor:pointer;">Close</button><div id="aposmartwidget"></div>
</div><script src=""></script><script>

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